Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cure Insomnia WITHOUT Drugs!

Do any of these statements describe you?

*It takes me hours to fall asleep...
*I often go days without getting sleep...
*I toss and turn and awaken on a regular basis...
*My mind races along all night long...
*I finally seem to fall asleep just as the alarm clock goes off...
*I'm constantly exhausted...
*I find myself always napping during the day...
*I can't remember the last time I actually slept an entire night...
*If I actually DO get some sleep - I hardly ever feel rested...

Insomnia affects many people, so if you're having trouble sleeping, you're not alone. Fortunately, there are ways of getting a good night's sleep again without having to rely on sleeping pills.

The Ebook Stop Insomnia provides some great ideas that will help you get the rest you need.

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